Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Thanks for an Empty Bowl: Grateful Kitchen Thoughts

Because Chef Reiton and I are apart so much, we tend to do that "foodie" thing where we take a picture of our food and text it to the other to show what we are eating.  Sometimes we also take a picture of the "after."

This was last night's "after." It was a salad (with avocado, Cousin Jeff.  That's "what the hell" that green stuff is.):

Before I went to bed, I texted Captain Reiton "good night."  He was somewhere in the air above me, flying a rather delayed flight to Chicago.  As I scrolled back through our typed-up conversation for the day, I looked again at the picture above, and suddenly the following thought came blasting through my brain:

"Thank you, God, that I can take pictures of an empty bowl."

Because it wasn't simply empty.  It was emptied.

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