I'm not sure how you feel, but, boy, you have been missed! What a whirlwind of a month this has been! There were times when I felt the light at the end of the tunnel would never appear, but here I am, sitting in my old green chair, drinking my coffee, and once again writing to you. I could not be happier.
Where have I been, you ask? Well, let's start with the day we packed up Michael in Wisconsin and drove him two days across the country to Rhode Island to start school, then drove back to Wisconsin to meet my parents who had already started the big wrap-up of our dear old house. The following day we filled with the final packing up, then we spent another day loading the moving van. That night we spent at the local Holiday Inn Express, then we got up the next morning, closed on the WI house, then hit the road headed for the East Coast. Woohoo!
All this time we were waiting on our Boston closing date, waiting but hearing nothing. With our fingers crossed and feeling a bit homeless, we schlepped our little caravan of stuff (the largest U-haul you can rent with a trailer attached, my parents' minivan packed to the gills, and my Fit containing myself and the Big Dog) to Angola, IN, for the night. The next day of travel took us to Henrietta, NY, and still no news. My mother called her best friend out in MA and did what only the best of friends can do: she asked if we could stay at their house while we waited to close.
I don't know your opinion about it, but I think one has to have a seriously large heart to take in not just one couple but two AND accommodate a very big, stinky, stressed dog AND one extra large U-haul truck with a trailer attached, a minivan, and a car. I mean, really--who does that?
Inge and Roger, that's who. And they fed and entertained us to boot!
For one day. (No word on closing.)
Two days. (No word--except that tomorrow we were up to the deadline and the buyer was pissed. Don't blame her. Started thinking we might lose the house and should start madly looking for an apartment and a place to store all our stuff. And live out of a duffle bag for a few more weeks...).
Three days. (A request for more paperwork comes through. And Derrick gets sick. Really sick. We spend the afternoon in the Boston Medical Center ER. Let's just say that the little Fort Hospital ER looks like heaven compared to BMC's...).
Four days. (We made the deadline, but still no closing date. Maybe Friday. We all lay low and wait.)
Five days. (Derrick still rests, trying to recoup. In the afternoon a call comes in from our fab realtor, Fran. Can we come down and do a final walk-through? Hell, yes! We jump in the car for a drive downtown when Fran calls again: make that walk-through fast because we needed to close THAT DAY by 4:15! Hallelujah!!!!)
Six days. Can you believe that Inge and Roger were actually sad to see us go??? I think I would have been jumping up and down at the end of the driveway, waving goodbye with gusto, if that was me. But no. They even took the time to come down two days later to see the new house and to go out to dinner with us. Geez, what friends!
And while we are talking about the generosity of friends, can we look at my parents?
They drove up to WI from PA, moved box after heavy box out of the house to the garage while we were still driving home from RI, helped Derrick and I move out the furniture and load the truck, drove with us the whole way from WI to MA, supported us with advice and encouragement the whole time we waited on tender-hooks regarding the closing, helped us unload all of our stuff into our tiny new house (along with my dear U.F. and rocking cousin, Jen) which required maneuvering a lot of stairs, then spent two more days with us, helping us rearrange furniture and unpack about half our boxes to start making this house look and feel like home. Holy. CRAP.
Did I mention that my parents are 73? I mean, that's not old, but it's old-er, that's for sure. I apparently have some great genes.
How is that for a month? A month surrounded by rockstars. Generosity rockstars.
Now that I am feeling the beginnings of being settled, I hope that we can reacquaint ourselves. Strangers no more! Let's get cooking!
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