Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Many More Manhattans to Come: A Virgin Cocktail Experience

Chef Reiton was in a rare mood tonight.  He made a martini for dinner—the man who hated gin until about a year ago.

I was so proud of his drink choice, I asked him what I should make for my dinner, and he spouted out, "A Manhattan!"

"I've never had one before," I confessed, and that was that.

As he read directions to me over the phone (he's currently playing Captain Reiton), I poured and stirred and strained—and then sipped.

Gloria hallelujah!

If you want to have your virgin Manhattan experience, too, I'll help you out.  Here's what I used:
  • 1 3/4 oz. Sazerac Rye whiskey
  • 3/4 Martini & Rossi Rosso sweet red vermouth
  • dash of Angostura bitters
Add ingredients to a mixing glass.  Fill glass with ice and then stir swiftly for 30 seconds.  Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.  Garnish with a Luxardo cherry (you can buy them in a jar on the shelf at good liquor stores.  Please, for God's sake, do NOT use those neon dyed imposters that belong on top of a sundae and nowhere near a cocktail!).

Manhattan, baby, I have a feeling you and I are going to get along just swell!

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